You can be a Yummy Mummy!

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Nine months later and the pregnancy is over, you have an adorable little baby, but you’re unhappy with all the excess weight around our waistline. It’s ok, and it happens to most pregnant women, but you don’t have to be unhappy. Choose to be a yummy mummy and get yourself a sexy body with our Yummy Mummy Package all the while saving yourself £500!
Our SculpSure technology is non-surgical liposuction able to remove stubborn fat for harder areas: tummy, bum, abs, inner thighs and arms. Exclusively for mothers, we are offering our Yummy Mummy Package including 12 applicators (6 per series) at a discount price of £2500 saving you £500 – better spent on something else! Our Yummy Mummy Package ensures you get the right amount of sessions to see a significant difference to your body and fits around your busy schedule.
So give Juvea a call today (0207 291 4554) or book an appointment as ask for the exclusive Yummy Mummy Package!
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