• 04.09.24

    Botox for Bruxism

    An Effective Solution for Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching Bruxism (the medical term for teeth grinding and jaw clenching) usually occurs subconsciously during sleep and can have consequences for your physical and mental well-being. It is most commonly caused by stress and…

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  • 01.06.17

    How Botox can enhance your neckline

    The injection of botulinum toxin can create a more youthful appearance of the neckline through modification of the chin, neck, and chest. As we age the chin adopts an appearance that may be described as ‘dimpled’, ‘cellulitic’, or medically as ‘peau d’orange’…

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  • 01.06.17

    Cosmetic Treatments Popular with Men

    Cosmetic Treatments for Men We are seeing many industries bridging the gender gap, and the cosmetic industry is certainly one, as we see men going to greater lengths to improve their appearance.  Once considered to be the domain of women, cosmetic treatments…

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  • 01.06.17

    Botox for Men

    You may find it hard to tell that many of today’s most acclaimed male celebs have had anti-wrinkle injections. Thanks to the progress of the non-surgical cosmetic industry, men can now undergo this non-invasive treatment and still remain looking natural. This is…

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