
Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

As separate procedures, liposuction and the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) have been successful treatments for the reduction of fat around the abdomen for many years.  Now it is possible to have these two procedures carried out together to give even better results for those patients who cannot shift medium-to-excessive weight from this area of the body.

By combining the liposuction technique with a surgical tummy tuck, patients can expect to see a vast improvement – both in terms of size reduction  and a smoother, flatter tummy. This bespoke approach to each individual’s needs means accurate fat removal, better body shaping, and longer lasting results.

Why choose us?

Juvea Aesthetics is a well-established medical and aesthetics practice.  It is owned and run by a team of highly qualified doctors and clinicians – most of whom are leading the way in education, research and ethical guidance.

Because this procedure is a combination of methods using both modern liposuction technology and traditional surgery it is essential that your chosen aesthetics clinic offers the highest medical standards at all times.  At Juvea Aesthetics we deliver on this requirement every time.

There are three key points to bear in mind:

  1. We will always ensure that each of our patients is 100% certain they are happy with their chosen procedure and they understand everything that is involved before going ahead with surgery.
  2. End-to-end confidence: You can be assured that from the moment you decide upon your treatment, right through to the final post operative assessment your needs will be met.

Only the highest of medical standards are applied throughout our treatments, which are conducted by the most experienced clinicians.

Benefits of combining Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

One of the most significant benefits of having both liposuction and a tummy tuck is eliminating body fat and excess skin in one go.  No other procedure can tackle this common problem so efficiently.  For those who have battled with weight loss over many years this is possibly the best solution.  The reduction in size is noticeable very soon after the body has settled post operation.  The tummy tuck part of the procedure offers a more bespoke approach to fat reduction.  You and the surgeon can discuss how best to reduce and reshape the abdominal area (with reasonable expectations), giving you the size and shape you are suited to.

Because the combined liposuction and tummy tuck operation is a surgical operation, you will receive all the testing and care required throughout the procedure.  The Juvea clinicians are highly trained medics who recognise potential problems such as skin masses or carcenomas which might impact your health and choice of treatment.  So you can see this as a mini health-screening too!

The intended benefits are generally for an improved appearance for the abdominal area rather than a general weight loss solution.  If you have multiple areas of concern, speak to a Juvea consultant to see what can be achieved through the other procedures on offer.

Who benefits from a combined Liposuction and Tummy Tuck?

Both men and women of all ages, who are in good health can benefit from this combination procedure.  There are three main situations that patients can associate with.

  1. Abdominal fat can become an increasing problem as we age. The common phrase “middle age spread” is no myth and certainly no joke.  Lifestyle and hereditary conditions can be factors in acquiring stubborn fat around this area that will not shift from exercise and or dieting.
  2. Some patients are unfortunate to have lived with belly fat all their lives and have tried every form of diet with no long term success. In fact “yo-yo” dieting is reported to lead to an incremental fat stores which just become harder and harder to control.
  3. There are those who have successfully lost a large amount of weight through a carefully designed diet. Although happy that they have reached their target weight, they still have a residue of fat that cannot be eliminated.  Along with this drastic weight loss there is also the likelihood of excess skin.


If you identify with one of these problems then you are likely to benefit from the combination of liposuction and abdominoplasty.   It might be that your circumstances are a little different, but if you are keen to pursue medical treatment for this part of your body, you will need to have a full consultation with a Juvea clinician.  Our aesthetics experts will be able to advise you of the best procedure for your problem and desired outcome.

What are the results?

This dynamic duo offers excellent results in the quest for a slimmer, smoother abdomen.  The Juvea surgeon will talk you through realistic outcomes and, providing your health is good and you are fit for surgery, you should be seeing a much improved figure within weeks of the operation.

Most patients tell us that this combined method for fat reduction was the ideal solution for their excess body fat and loose flesh.  We are seeing long term results with patients claiming that they have maintained a similar size and shape for a number of years.  It is important to note that due to certain factors such as ageing, pregnancy and medical conditions (and necessary medications) fatty tissue can be stored in or around the treated area.

You can expect to see the optimum results between 6-12 months after the surgery.  A full 12 months is likely for larger or more complex areas.  Your surgeon will not conduct a final review of the treatment until he/she considers the recovery period complete

The Procedure

At the first consultation your surgeon will confirm that a double treatment of liposuction and surgical tummy tuck is the right option for you.  An outline of the operation itself is set out below:

  • The tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a traditional “cut and suture” surgical procedure and is therefore performed under general anaesthetic.
  • Because you may lose body fluids you will be connected to a drip for a short period of time following surgery
  • The procedure typically takes around 3 hours.
  • Incisions are made above the pubic area and surrounding the navel.
  • If the navel is naturally very high and there is already a very low caesarean scar, a vertical incision is made.
  • The liposuction is carried out using a method of technology that “emulsifies” the fatty tissue.
  • The fatty substance is then vacuumed through fine probes.
  • The navel is replaced/repositioned
  • A number of stitches will be needed at each incision site.
  • Depending upon the complexity of your surgery, you may be required to stay overnight.

Note: Full details of the operation plus pre and post surgery care will be explained to you by the consultant.  You will also receive a Patient Brochure detailing the liposuction/tummy tuck operation and any consequences from general anaesthetic

The Recovery and Aftercare

Here is an overview of the liposuction/tummy tuck post-surgery period:

  • You may feel sleepy and groggy but the depleting anaesthetic and sedation should ensure that you will not be in excessive pain.
  • Because of the liposuction treatment, compression dressings will be applied immediately and you will be discharged with the same amount of dressings plus a spare one to apply at home.
  • You will be told to rest and take plenty of fluids.
  • You might be given medication to take over the coming week or so.
  • An appointment will be made for the removal of your sutures – probably around 7 days, but the date it will depend upon the degree of surgery and your apparent recovery immediately after the procedure.
  • Although rest is important and avoiding heavy work, lifting etc it is vital that you do not spend too much time in bed or lying down, this behaviour can bring on other medical problems.
  • You should be able to return to work (provided it is not manual or heavy work) after about one week.
  • After 2-3 weeks, you should be able to resume your normal lifestyle.

What are the risks?

Every medical procedure carries some degree of risk either during or post surgery.  Occasionally a patient has a bad reaction to the equipment, medication or dressings, but the highest risk is that of infection.  This can be greatly minimised with the correct post operative care which will be detailed as part of your consultation.

Because the liposuction and tummy tuck operation is considered invasion surgery, there is a requirement for general anaesthetic.  Anyone undergoing this type of pain relief and sedation can experience adverse reactions.  Your Juvea consultant will explain these risks and all relevant details are set out in the Patient Brochure that you will receive at the time of booking your surgery.

Industry-wide, there are some indications for negative results associated with liposuction and abdominoplasty but in nearly all cases, the problems are solved with appropriate and timely intervention.  Reported problems include:

Pain and discomfort; leakage; bruising; swelling; bleeding; skin discolouration; uneven skin surface/tone; changes in sensitivity; irritation; scarring; skin elasticity; deep vein thrombosis; toxic shock syndrome.

Alternatives To The Combined Surgical Liposuction with Abdominoplasty

Some patients think their problem is worse than it really is, and are convinced that a surgical tummy tuck, along with the help of some liposuction is the solution.  There are some advanced methods of fat removal available today and your Juvea consultant will be able to advise you if any of these might be better suited to you.  At Juvea Aesthetics we also offer:


Laser Liposuction

Also known as lipolysis, laser liposuction is an advanced system for reducing small fatty areas of flesh that refuse to shift from dieting and/or exercise.   Laser lipolysis can be combined with the conventional methods and is proving to be highly effective for men and women of all ages.

The procedure is conducted under local anaesthetic with a mild sedation.  Small incisions are made to the skin to enable the laser light device target the fat cells.  These are then absorbed to form an emulsion of fatty tissue.  This substance is then gently removed via the ultra fine probes.  Because this treatment is virtually non-invasive there is no need for an over night stay and you should experience a very speedy recovery.  Getting back to your normal lifestyle as soon as possible is a top priority for most men having aesthetic treatments and with this procedure you should expect to see great results with minimal downtime


We are seeing some very positive feedback from our clients on this relatively new aesthetic treatment.  A good number of patients are showing interest in this unique procedure because it is non invasive and requires virtually no downtime.   The fat cells are heated to the optimum temperature and, over a period of a few weeks, the fatty tissue is eliminated naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.  Juvea Aesthetics partners with SculpSure.  This process is ideal for small parts of the body such as the chin and knees and male chest area – the problem commonly referred to as “manboobs”.



If you have any doubts or concerns about the liposuction/tummy tuck combination procedure please contact our expert clinicians at Juvea.  In the meantime we have set out some typical questions that patients have when considering this surgery for the treatment of fat removal.

My tummy area has never been the same since having children – no matter how much I diet and exercise, I just can’t get rid of the fat and flabby skin.  Is both liposuction and a tummy tuck right for me?

The tummy tuck is often the best solution for loose, flabby skin.  Because many patients with this problem also have some underlying fatty tissue that is also hard to shift – the combination procedure is likely to be the best option.  The Juvea consultant will make an assessment of your condition before advising you to take this option.

Is it ok to have the liposuction alongside a tummy tuck if I’ve already had liposuction elsewhere?

It might depend upon the method of liposuction you had.  But generally yes, because lyposuction does not leave behind product or residue you should be able to have conventional liposuction with your tummy tuck operation.

How painful is a tummy tuck with liposuction?

Due to the tummy tick part of the operation, you will require a general anaesthetic.  Pain and recovery time for this will be like many other surgeries that involve cutting the skin.  After the procedure you will be administered the appropriate pain relief.  Most patients manage any discomfort with non-prescription pain relief medication once home.

How badly scarred will I be after this combination procedure?

There should be no scarring from the liposuction part of the procedure as this is carried out once the skin has been cut back for the tummy tuck. The scarring will depend upon the severity and size of area treated.  It can also depend upon your skin’s normal healing behaviour.  Risk of infection at the wound site might impact the degree of scarring.  Any scarring should fade well in time but as everyone is different it is impossible to say how much scarring you might experience.

Is the recovery time for the tummy tuck combination procedure so much more than normal liposuction?

The operation is fully surgical, requiring general anaesthetic, dressings and proper aftercare. You should plan to suspend your normal lifestyle, including work, for at least one week.  Thereafter you should still take very good care of yourself.  But as everyone is different, exactly how well you feel soon after surgery will depend upon a number of things such as quality resting, diet and your body’s natural healing tendencies.

What if I have an adverse reaction to the procedure?

Your Juvea consultant will explain all risks to the procedure itself and those associated with general anaesthetic.  In the unlikely event of an adverse reaction emergency help is on hand and good advice on what to look out for will be given enabling you to stay on track for an excellent recovery.

Is the double procedure a lot more expensive than tummy tuck or liposuction alone?

If you have these two procedures carried out at different times it would not be very cost effective.  The tummy tuck is the most expensive part of the treatment as it is an invasive surgery requiring a general anaesthetist.  Some of the preparation requirements for the liposuction part of the procedure are not required and the cost is therefore slightly less than liposuction alone.

Is the belly button removed?

Sometimes yes, but it really depends upon your condition and the results you are looking for.  Fortunately, the belly button is a “knotty” looking body part and therefore its appearance is unlikely to be detrimental to the overall look and feel of your new shape.

Are the Juvea surgeons highly experienced in conducting both of these treatments at the same time?

Yes, the Juvea consultants and surgeons are the most highly trained, skilled and experienced in the aesthetics industry.  This double procedure is quite a serious operation and only the best doctors should be performing it.  Throughout your research, you must ensure that you check the qualifications and years of experience in this particular treatment.

How soon can I travel after the operation?

Everyone is different and travelling, especially long haul can tire the body.  You need all your recovery energy so planning time for this is essential.   You should consider how your body responds to trauma from any previous operations and also factor in any other medical issues you have.  On average we would say about 6-12 weeks is a safe period of time before travelling or starting vigorous activities such as competitive sports.


The liposuction/tummy tuck procedure is a highly bespoke treatment, tailored to the very unique and individual needs of each patient.  The surgery is invasive and therefore an experienced anaesthetist is required for the duration of the operation.  Considering these factors, prices should not be compared to other minor or non-invasive treatments.

Please contact our team at Juvea for further details on pricing and if you are keen to pursue this treatment.  


Juvea Aesthetics is located in the country’s centre for medical excellence, Harley Street London.  You will find us conveniently situated near two tube stations (Oxford Circus and Bond Street), where there is plenty of choice in hotels, theatres, restaurants and shops.

The location for the liposuction/tummy tuck surgery may be held at another hospital nearby and this will be arranged by Juvea and agreed by you at the time of your consultation.



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