• 27.06.17

    Stop the Sweats! Hyperhydrosis Treatment London

    All you need to know about excessive sweating and how to stop it… We’ve all been there, waiting for the train home in June about to board the 30+ degree carriage praying to get a seat, not only because you’re exhausted from…

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  • 01.06.17

    SculpSure vs Coolsculpt

    If you, like many are wondering about the differences in the the two popular types of Laser Liposuction Sculpsure and Coolsculpt.  Take a look at the video below and make your mind up for yourself.    

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  • 01.06.17

    How Botox can enhance your neckline

    The injection of botulinum toxin can create a more youthful appearance of the neckline through modification of the chin, neck, and chest. As we age the chin adopts an appearance that may be described as ‘dimpled’, ‘cellulitic’, or medically as ‘peau d’orange’…

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  • 01.06.17

    How does the midface change as we age?

    The midface is defined as the area between two hypothetical horizontal lines on the face; one passing between the upper and lower eyelids, and the other passing between the upper and lower lips. The midface is one of the first facial areas…

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  • 01.06.17

    How has wrinkle treatment changed over time?

    The treatment of wrinkles has changed as the theories behind their formation have evolved over time and with the development of more advanced less invasive treatments such as botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, chemical peels, and lasers therapy. In times gone by… Previous…

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  • 01.06.17

    How does the lower face change as we age?

    How does the lower face change as we age? The lower face is defined as the area below a hypothetical horizontal line which passes through the corners of the mouth between the upper and lower lips. It is important to understand how…

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  • 01.06.17

    Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

    As separate procedures, liposuction and the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) have been successful treatments for the reduction of fat around the abdomen for many years.  Now it is possible to have these two procedures carried out together to give even better results for…

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  • 01.06.17

    Non-Surgical Liposuction: Sculpsure® and Pellevé

    Great advances are being made in the aesthetics industry, and one of the most significant improvements is the development of low or even non-invasive procedures. By having treatments that do not involve incisions to the flesh, you avoid the need for general…

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  • 01.06.17

    Preparing for your Holiday

    Since the 1950s it’s been considered fashionable to have tanned, glowing skin.  It’s understandable, a golden tan makes eyes look brighter and teeth whiter, suggesting an improvement in our health and vitality. Our skin is the largest organ of the human body,…

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  • 01.06.17

    Acne Treatment 2017

    To face the world with confidence our skin needs to look and feel good.  So why do some of us have to suffer the eye-catching blemishes that we call acne? And for something so small they can cause a large amount of…

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  • 01.06.17

    Holiday Skincare 2017

    We all love a holiday and we spend lots of time saving and planning for it. But how much consideration to do we give to our skin?  It’s really important to think ahead and give ourselves plenty of time to prepare our…

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  • 01.06.17

    Cosmetic Treatments Popular with Men

    Cosmetic Treatments for Men We are seeing many industries bridging the gender gap, and the cosmetic industry is certainly one, as we see men going to greater lengths to improve their appearance.  Once considered to be the domain of women, cosmetic treatments…

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  • 01.06.17

    Botox for Men

    You may find it hard to tell that many of today’s most acclaimed male celebs have had anti-wrinkle injections. Thanks to the progress of the non-surgical cosmetic industry, men can now undergo this non-invasive treatment and still remain looking natural. This is…

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  • 01.06.17

    Dermal Fillers Under the Eyes

    The eye area is very prone to signs of ageing, which may have an impact upon your confidence as you get older. However, you shouldn’t give in to the appearance of hollows under your eyes; there are now effective ways to make…

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  • 01.06.17

    Dermal Fillers for Around the Mouth

    The areas around your mouth will change with age, so you may wish  to consider non-invasive cosmetic procedures on offer at Juvea Aesthetics. Among them are dermal fillers, which are an injectable treatment to provide volume and reduce the appearance of wrinkles…

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  • 01.06.17

    Dermal Fillers Treatment

    Dermal fillers are one of the most popular treatment options to achieve a more youthful appearance. A favourite of many of our patients because of results that are visible immediately, they replace volume lost with ageing. The dermal fillers on offer at…

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